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BEC3 M1 Working Life Business topic: working life Business skills: asking and answering question Exam spotlight: reading (introduction and part I) Contents Describing working life Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans -- John Lennon Ways of working Spontaneous Live for the moment Think and plan for the future Reading: Describe the “entitlement generation” Compare your attitudes to work with your parents’ in the following aspect What is more important? salary, achievement, honor, pride What do you expect from the job? Voc Special Terms Radio sales (marketing) A radio sales person is commonly called a station account executive (AE). His job is to sell on-air radio advertising time, normally receiving from 10 to 20 percent commission on the total value of the advertising package sold Entitlement Generation [權利世代] the group born between 1979 and 1994 who believe they are owed certain rights and benefits without further justification. Example: The entitlement generation expects higher salaries, flexible work hours, and ample time off. paediatrics ? (US pediatrics) n [sing v] branch of medicine concerned with children and their illnesses 儿科学. Instant Gratification: The psychological concept of Instant Gratification refers to the idea that humans like to have what they want right now; not later and they dont want to wait. You will notice that products and services that promise instant push-button results tend to do well. Think Aspirin for pain and McDonalds for fast food. Humans are mostly short term and Instant Gratification orientated because if you value immediate results you stay alive. Job Flexibility: job with flexible schedules. C.f.: nine-to-five schedule Flexibility options can include meal flexibility, part-time work, time for family responsibilities, number of vacation days each year, being allowed to leave work late or early, providing options for extended unpaid vacations, job sharing, and working from a r


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