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Text B A Mortal Flower 著作颇丰的作家 讲述了…的经历 在国内外的经历 被录用,被接纳 有后台 大人物,头面人物 看病 (行为方式)有道理,合乎情理 在修女会学校的学习 the author of many works tell of the experiences of … the experiences both in and out of China get in have pull a big shot have medical treatment (sth.) make sense to sb. a convent-school education 远远不够,完全不够 受教育程度低 就我学的那点功课,就我受的这点教育 咬紧牙关 咬紧的牙关 痛下(的)决心 一小口食物 把…从…猛拉/撕下来 在家闲着不做事 终于有了归宿 be not at all adequate the poor schooling with the poor schooling given to me clench one’s teeth clenched teeth decision tearing one’s bowels a scrap of food wrench sth off sth. doing nothing at home being settled at last 喝加奶的咖啡呛着了 去参加面试 咖啡壶 隐瞒/掩饰(…的)事实 像广东人和客家人那样 别再蹦蹦跳跳 别再掐脸上的粉刺 有三排荷叶/花边的衣服 (衣服)穿着去面试太花哨 choke over one’s milk and coffee go for an interview the coffee pot disguise the fact (that …) as the Cantonese and the Hakkas do stop hopping stop picking one’s pimples a dress with three rows of frills be too dressy for an interview 平跟鞋 成衣 挤/掐额头上的一颗粉刺 香粉,扑面粉 占了整整一个街区 沿着高高的外墙走 狗在窝里叫 行政楼 穿过大理石的庭院 步上台阶(进入…) flat-heeled shoes ready-made clothes squeeze a pimple on one’s forehead face powder occupy a whole city block walk along the outer wall dogs scream in the kennels the Administration building cross the marble courtyard walk up the steps (into…) 中间雕有盘龙的台阶 前厅 精致的雕梁画栋 铺在地板上 留下好印象 打字机咔嗒作响 (打字机的咔嗒声) 留着新式的发型 下摆/褶边印有花纹的裙子 the steps with carved dragons coiling in the middle an entrance hall with painted beams and intricate painted ceiling mat on the floor make / leave a good impression the typewriter clatters (the clatter of a typewriter) have the new style of hair a dress with a print round the hem 向…走来;扑向,袭击 你先坐下 (长着)一颗小小的秃顶脑袋 (长着)尖尖的下巴 (戴着)巨大的眼镜 害怕得发抖/哆嗦起来 白塔 某人说了什么一句也没听进去 口述(…)让人记录,听写 come at sb. just sit you down with a small bald head with a long chin with enormous glasses quiver with fright the white pagoda could not hear a word of what sb. said dictate (sth.) to sb. 对某人进行速记速度测试 让某人坐在打字机前 苦闷的脸 愁眉苦脸地对着某


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