全新版大学英语综合教程3 unit 1 review exercises.ppt

全新版大学英语综合教程3 unit 1 review exercises.ppt

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21. He makes a big _____ from selling waste material to textile company. A. benefit B. profit C. interest D. rate 22. We have _____ most of the money in shares in British companies. A. raise B. invested C. rose D. arose 23. The dialect is spoken ________in the rural area. A. generally B. primarily C. commonly D. directly Tasks Group 1:civil rights movements 美国民权运动介绍 Group 2:introduce the civil rights heroes: 民权英雄 Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Group 3: introduce Uncle Tom’s Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 Group 4:Introduce the Underground Railroad 美国地下铁路运动 * * * * * * * * * Text Review Exercises Have some fun Text Review Cloze Vocabulary Translation Words test Please name at least ten words related to fruits and vegetables. Useful Expressions Test A R _ Useful Expressions 1 过得去 get by 寻觅心灵的满足 find contentment 一种自力更生的生活 a self-reliant sort of life 大地回暖的气息 the smell of the earth warming 艰苦的生活 a tough life 日常的家务 usual household routine 正如老话说的那样 as the old saying goes Useful Expression Test A R _ Useful Expressions 2 love/enjoy every minute of sth. get through the winter Ivy League schools with sb.’s blessings on balance be employed full time mortgage payments 温馨快乐每一分钟 过冬 常春藤联合会学校 带着某人的祝福 总的来说 担任全职工作 贷款按揭 Sentence Translation After years of frustration with city living, my wife and I have finally found contentment in the country. A R _ Sentence Translation 2 I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much either. 我挣的钱远比不上全职工作时的收入,可如今我们需要的钱也没有过去多。 2. 多年来,城市生活让我和妻子身心疲惫,如今在乡下我们找到了心灵的满足。 Talk About the Advantages of City life A R _ Discussion and Debate Some of the advantages of city life are given below for your reference: convenience for people to do the shopping Advantages better education easy access to entertainment facilities and other amenities more job openings Talk about the Advantages of Suburban Life A R _ Discussion and Debate Some of the advantages of suburban life are given below for your reference: le


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