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The plan for Grade 2(A) Unit 4 By Yin Juan 2013-9-30 八年级英语第四单元单元(章节)教材分析 一、教学目标与要求 1.知识目标 (1)Get the new words and expressions, such as theater, cinema, comfortable, close to, seat, screen, ticket, song, reporter, menu, meal, magician, role, winner, prize, example, everybody, choose, act, give, worse, worst, service, creative, performer, fresh, poor, cheaply, carefully, comfortably, pretty, beautifully, seriously. so far, no problem, have… in common, all kinds of , be up to, play a role, make up, for example, take… seriously (2) Get the usage of the comparative and superlative of adjective in regular forms and irregular forms. 2.能力目标 Listening: understand the conversation about one’s likes and dislikes Speaking: talk about one’s likes and dislikes Reading: read and know the articles about one’s likes and dislikes Writing: master some useful words and expressions from section A and section B, and can use them to make comparison between the people and environment around themselves. 3.学习策略:To memorize the new words by finding out the rules of superlatives. 4.情感态度:Lead them to love their hometown through the comparison of the entertainment service. 二、教学内容分析 1.重点: 1.What’s the best movie theater to go? Town cinema. It’s the closest to home. 2. Miller’s has the best clothes. Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. 3.Superlative with – (i)est, the most Irregular comparisons :good, better, the best bad, worse, the worst 2.难点: The superlative degree of adjectives 三、 教学过程建议 Section A 通过图文将学生带入“选择电影院”的话题。引导学生对电影院场所、硬件设施等条件进行分析、比较,单元语法重点项目形容词和副词的最高级也在语境中自然呈现。本部分教学重点是帮助学生正确运用形容词和副词的原级和比较等级来描述事物。Section B增加了“才艺表演”这个话题,1a-1b要求学生通过反义词对比和造句练习学习更多的形容词,2a-2e 以talent为主线,通过学生非常感兴趣的“达人秀”话题展开以阅读为主的学习活动,帮助学生运用巩固所学知识。3a-3c是本单元的写作训练板块,要求学生能根据单元内容,尝试笔头的语言输出。学生从3a读文章填词,到3b思考要点写句子,再到3c完整语篇的输出,整个过程由易到难,循序渐进,符合学生认知规律。最后的口语活动4 则是对单元话题的提升。 教材二度开发教学设计方案 1 初二年级 英语学科 主备教师:尹娟 备课时间:2013.9.30 双向细目表和教材二度


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