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包头师范学院 本科毕业论文 论文题目: 重金属污染特征分析   学 号: 学生姓名: 学 院: 资源与环境学院 专 业: 地理科学 班 级: 级地理科学班 指导教师: 教授 二O一四年五月十五日 摘 要 地表灰尘重金属是反应城市污染状况的重要指标之一,以包头市青山区为对象,研究了地表灰尘重金属的污染的特征,利用X-Ray荧光光谱仪分析8个重金属Mn、Cr、Zn、V、Co、Pb 、Cu、Ni的含量,采用内梅罗指数法对地表灰尘重金属的生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,青山区地表灰尘中的、Mn、Cr、Zn、V、Co、Pb 和Cu的平均含量分别为514.4、180.9、76.2、70.5、63.1、54.3、26.6mg/Kg均高于河套平原地表灰尘重金属环境背景值。重金属在不同区域的含量差别较大,地表灰尘重金属元素的含量主要与区域的工业分布的集中度有关,同时也受到其他污染源的影响。就单个重金属潜在生态危害系数平均值来看,地表灰尘重金属的危害最大的是Mn,Cr的危害次之,生态危害最低的是Ni。总的来讲,包头市青山区地表灰尘重金属的生态危害水平属于中高度生态危 Abstract Surface dust is one of the important indicators of reaction of urban pollution of heavy metals, in baotou QingShanOu as object, studies the characteristics of pollution of heavy metals in surface dust, the use of X - Ray fluorescence spectrometer analysis of the surface dust, heavy metals and the potential ecological harm method of ecological damage is evaluated. The results show that the QingShanOu surface in the dust, Mn, Co, Cr, zinc, V, the average contents of Pb, Cu and Ni were 514.4, 180.9, 76.2, 70.5, 63.1, 54.3, 26.6, 23.9 mg/Kg were higher than Chinas national environmental background values of heavy metals in surface dust. Content of heavy metals in different parts of the difference is bigger, the surface dust, heavy metal element content is mainly related to the concentration degree of the regional distribution of industries, but also affected by other pollution sources. Average coefficient of a single potential ecological harm of heavy metals, the surface dust is the harm of heavy metals largest Mn, the harm of Cr, ecological harm to the lowest is Ni. Generally speaking, baotou QingShanOu surface dust, heavy metals ecological harm level belongs to the height of the ecological damage. Key words:Baotou; Heavy metals; surface dust; pollution assessment 目 录 引言 1 1 研究区概况 2 1.1 自然概况 2 1.2社会经济概况 2 2 材料与方法 3 2.1 样品采集与分析 3 2.1.1 样品的采集 3 2.1.2样品的分析 3 2.2评价方法 3 3 结果分析 5


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