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医护英语单词 黑龙江医药卫生职业学校 第一题 英译汉 towel bacteria dosage treat saliva 第二题 one out hip heart massage flu 第三题 说出该句英文所对应的中文物品 1 They visit their patients in their homes. 1 It allows the patient into the bath. 1 Nurses use it to measure your temperature. * pill washing cloth undress intern herb cigarette treat vision virus stool survive syringe district nurse blood test scar stomach lame throat head lung liver ointment acupuncture aromatherapy fasting fever cough 2 It is a pad of cotton used to soak up blood from the operation site. 3 It is a mechanical device which sucks up blood. 4 Press or rub parts of the body to relive pain. 5 He or she is a specialist in diseases of the heart and circulation. sucker swab district nurse cardiologist massage 2 It is a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk. 3 It gives the patient something to hold on to. 4 It is a metal support that helps someone with weak legs walk. 5 It is a tool for those who need additional support to keep balance while walking. bath lift walking frame crutches leg brace grab bar 2 It is a piece of cloth that you use for drying your skin. 3 Doctors use it to listen to your heart or breathing. 4 This machine helps patients breathe. 5 This technique can make a persons heart start beating again. towel CPR thermometer ventilator stethoscope *


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