外研版高中英语 B4M1-1单词学习.ppt

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外研版高中英语 B4M1-1单词学习

7.risk n. 危险,风险 risk v. 担…风险,冒…危险 __________adj. 危险的,冒险的 risk doing sth. 冒险做…… ________ 处境危险 __________________ .冒着做某事的危险 我受到裁员的危险,也就是说,我要被 解雇了。 My job is_______ . That is, I will be_____. 2.他冒着失去生命的危险救了那个小孩。 He risked ___________ to save the child. He saved the child________________________. risky at risk at the risk of doing sth at risk losing his life at the risk of losing his life fired 8. resource n. 资源(复数); 才智,机敏,创造精神 be at the end of one’s resource develop natural resources energy source(来源) 9. run out 被用光,被耗尽 1.我们的钱即将用光。 Our money___________________ . 2.我们即将用光自然资源。 We _________________natural resources. 江郎才尽 开发自然资源 能量来源 run out of = use up 用完 is running out are running out of 10. rely vi. 依赖,相信 ____________ adj. 可信的,可靠的 __________________ 依赖.信赖, 依靠…做… rely/depend on sb.________. 你可以信赖我。 You may______________ . 2. 你别指望他会帮助你。 You can’t rely on him_______________ . reliable rely on = depend on to do sth rely on me to help you 11. solar adj. 太阳的 _____________________ 太阳能 ______________ calendar 阳历 ( ___________ calendar 阴历) solar water ________ 太阳能热水器 Solar _________ 太阳系 1.太阳能是一种新的可替代能源。 Solar energy is a new kind of__________ _________ . solar energy/ power solar lunar heater system energy alternative 12. urban adj. 城市的,都市的, urban area 城区 urban _______ 城市犯罪 urbanization [,?:b?naizei??n] n. 城市化 urbanize v. 城市化 suburb n. 城郊 suburban adj. 城郊的,郊区的 他过去住在城区,但是现在已经习惯了在 郊区生活。 He used to live in the____________, but now he is used to living in the__________ . urban area suburb crime [?s?b?:rb] [s??b?:rb?n] 13.get rid of 摆脱,处理掉 他决心改掉自己的坏习惯。 He decided to __________his bad habits. 14. load n. 负荷, 工作量,装载量 vi./vt. 装载, 使负担 1.他们正在往卡车上装货物。 They are loading the truck with goods. = The truck __________________ goods. =They are loading the goods onto the truck. get rid of


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