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Chapter 3 10.uncovered interest parity: when a currency is expected to appreciate by as much as its interest rate is lower than the interest rate in the other country. Chapter 3 If this exchange rate risk is of little or no importance,then we hypothesize the uncovered interest parity will exist. Chapter 4 1.The asset market approach explains exchange rates as being part of the equilibrium for the markets for financial assets denominated in different currencies. Chapter 4 Chapter 4 2.law of one price: a product that is easily and freely traded in a perfectly competitive global market should have the same price everywhere, once the prices at difference places are expressed in the same currency. P = e ? Pf review Test Arrangement 周六(2016﹒12﹒10) 9:00-11:00 教一楼403,26人 教一楼406,27人 教一楼404,26人 对于期末需要集中考试的课程,主讲教师在考前安排不少于8小时的集中答疑。 1 周四(12月1日)下午2:00-6:00 北一楼403 2 周四(12月8日)下午2:00-6:00 北一楼403 Test Arrangement 开卷,卷面100分,占总评成绩60%。 1.True or false . 2.Fill in the blanks. 3.Choise 4.Case analysis【可用中文回答】 Chapter 1 1. Balance of payments is the set of accounts recording all flows of value between a nation’s residents and the residents of the rest of the world during a period of time. Chapter 1 2.The variety of resident and nonresident. --- Diplomats, military personnel, tourists, and workers . --- A corporation , its foreign branches and subsidiaries . --- International institutions . Time dimension Chapter 1 3. Each transaction has both a credit and a debit item—double-entry bookkeeping A credit or positive item is an item for which the country must be paid.(for a payment by a foreigner) A debit or negative item is an item for which the country must pay( payments to foreigners). Chapter 1 4. Current account (1).goods(Merchandise) trade ---visible trade (2).Services ---invisible trade (3).Income (interest, dividends, and profits.) (4).Unilateral transfers Chapter 1 5. Financial Account Financial account includes items that are nonofficial: (1).



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