大一综合英语下词汇 第一单元讲解.ppt

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大一综合英语下词汇 第一单元讲解

经典句子 1.Everything will be okay in the end.If it`s not okay,it`s not the end. 世事终会变好,若未好,则未终。 2.Life isn`t about finding yourself.Life is about creating yourself. 生命的意义并非发现自己,而是创造 自己。 thumb n. the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb 拇指 v. look through a book or other written material ?翻阅;以拇指拨弄;笨拙地摆弄 词组: rule of thumb (拇指规则)经验法则 under the thumb?被控制 thumb down [口]贬低;[口]拒绝 recklessly adv.?in a reckless manner 鲁莽地,不顾一切地 Eg:During?the?Asian?financial?crisis?of?1997-98,?half?of?the?top?30?chaebol?went bust because?they?had?expanded?recklessly.? 在1997-98年度的亚洲金融危机期间,30个顶级财阀中半数破产,原因在于它们鲁莽的扩张。 相关词组: Squander Recklessly?穷奢极侈 Not Recklessly?不要乱来 Recklessly wasteful?极其奢侈的 foolhardy adj.?marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences草率从事的;有勇无谋的,莽撞的;蛮干的 (If you describe behaviour as?foolhardy, you disapprove of it because it is extremely risky. 莽撞的?[表不满]) Eg: 1,If?you?dont?consider?these?things,?then?you?are being?foolhardy.? 如果你不考虑这些事情,那你就是个大傻瓜了. 2, It was considered a risk, may be even?foolhardy, certainly not a guarantee of success. ? ?它被认为是一种冒险,甚至是一种愚昧无知,肯定一种无法保证成功的举措 devious [ di:vi?s ] Adj:indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading偏僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的 Eg:One?long?and?complicated?journey which?is filled with?devious?route?and?wrongturnings?could?be considered?as?the?growing up?course.? 一次道路漫长、路线复杂、充满了迂回绕路和错误的转弯的旅途可以被看做是代表了成长的历程。 emerge vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露 1.come out into view, as from concealment 2 come out of 3 come up to the surface of or rise 4 happen or occur as a result of something emerge from?曾经一度遭到 ; 从 … 浮现 ; 摆脱 suddenly emerge?突然出现 skirt vt. 绕过,回避;位于…边缘 move round? vi. 沿边走,绕开;环绕 steer clear of?,?circle round Eg:He skirted the hardest issues. 他避开最难的问题。 treacherous [tret?(?)r?s]? Adj:dangerously unstable and unpredictable 奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的;危险的;不牢靠的 Eg:His?treacherous?actions?brought down?ruin ?on himself.他的背叛行径使他身败名裂. blaze vt. indicate by marking trees with blazes(在树皮


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