大学or 研究生 英语课程 人物介绍PPT模板.ppt

大学or 研究生 英语课程 人物介绍PPT模板.ppt

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大学or 研究生 英语课程 人物介绍PPT模板

Academic contribution Introduction of Brief introduction photo Introduction Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Hes from Germany Born in Brunswick Died in Gottingen (1777—1855) mathematician physicist astronomer geodetic scientist Prince of Mathematics The main story Gauss is an ordinary couples son He is a genius. He could correct accounts of his father when he was just 3 years old. He went to school when he was 7,and he calculated SUM(1:100) . 1792 Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) 1795 Georg-August-University ofGoettingen 1807-1855 Professor in Georg-August-University ofGoettingen Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Georg-August-University ofGoettingen Academic contribution Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Least Squares Academic contribution Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Academic contribution Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Normal (Gauss) Distribution Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss 1799年:Doktorarbeit uber den Fundamentalsatz der Algebra(关于代数基本定理的博士论文) 1801年:Disquisitiones Arithmeticae(算术研究) 1809年:Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium (天体运动论) 1827年:Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas(曲面的一般研究) 1843/44年:Untersuchungen uber Gegenstande der Hoheren Geodasie,Teil 1 (高等大地测量学理论(上)) 1846/47年:Untersuchungen uber Gegenstande der Hoheren Geodasie,Teil 2 (高等大地测量学理论(下)) Major works


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