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翻译 Unit1 Obtaining an audience with son NO. 1, I snarled, Ill kill you if threaten one of those kids again! Idiot! You should be offering a bonus of a dollar every hour to the worker who fills the most bags. 我跟大儿子一通上话,便咆哮道,“你如果再威胁那些孩子,我就对你不客气了!白痴!你应该给奖金,对装袋最多的工人每小时奖励一块。” But that would cut into our profit, he suggested. “可那要减少我们的利润啦,”他提醒道。 There wont be any profit unless those kids enable you to make all the deliveries on time. If they dont, you two will have to remove all that paper by yourselves. And there will be no eating or sleeping until it is removed. “那些孩子不帮你按时将所有的广告投送出去,你就什么利润也得不到。如果他们不干,你们俩就得亲手搬走所有的广告。而在把它们搬掉之前,你们吃不成,也睡不成。” There was a short, thoughtful silence. Then he said, Dad, you have just worked a profound change in my personality. 电话里出现了短暂的沉默,他在思考。接着,他说,“爸爸,你刚才使我深受启迪,令我恍然大悟。” Do it! “那就干吧!” Yes, sir! “是,阁下!” Unit2 Some persons say that love makes the world go round. Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that it isnt love; its money. But the truth is that it is energy that makes the world go round. 有些人说,爱情驱使世界运转;另一些并不那么罗曼蒂克而更为注重实际的人则说,不是爱情,而是金钱。但真实情况是,能量驱使世界运转。 Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy, which in turn is used to seek more food to grow, to reproduce and to survive. On this cycle all life depends. 能量是生态系统的货币,只有当食物转变为能量,能量再用来获取更多的食物以供生长、繁殖和生存,生命才成为可能。所有生命都维系在这一循环上。 It is fairly well known that wild animals survive from year to year by eating as much as they can during times of plenty, the summer and fall, storing the excess, usually in the form of fat, and then using these reserves of fat to survive during the hard times in winter when food is scarce. But it is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer. 差不多众所周知,野生动物得以年复一年地生存下去,主要依靠在夏秋生长旺季尽量多吃,通常将多余的部分以脂肪的形式储存起来,然后到了冬天食物稀少的艰难时期,就用这些储备的脂肪来维持生命。然而,很可能鲜为人知的是,即使有储备的脂肪,野生动物在冬天消耗的能量比夏天要少。 Unit3 It will be seen that my rea


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