带加强层高层建筑结构地震作用的简化算法 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

带加强层高层建筑结构地震作用的简化算法 - 地震工程与工程振动.pdf

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3 1 3 V o.l 3 1 N o. 3 20 11 6 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEE R ING V IBRAT ION Jun. 2011 : 20 11) 1 2 杨克家 , 梁兴文 ( 1. , 325035 2. 7 10055) : , , , , , , , , , : : P315. 952 : A A simplified m ethod for calculating earthquake action on highrise structures w ith strengthened stories 1 2 YANG K ejia , L IANG X ingw en ( 1. Co llege of A rch itectu re and C iv il Engin eering, W enzhou U n iv ersity, W enzhou 325035, C h ina 2. C iv il E ngineering Ins titu te, X i an U n ivers ity of A rch itecture and T echnology, X i an 7 10055, C hina) Abstract: A ccording to the m ode sup erposition response spectrum m ethod, ca lculat ing the earthquake action on highrise structure w ith streng thened stories needs to consider the contribution s o f m any m odes. W hen sub jected to latera l loads, the interna l force and deform at ion change radically near the streng thened sto ries, and the strength ened sto ries are smi ilar to an integra l rotation con stra int for the stru cture above them. If the stiffness of outriggers is larger enough, they nearly div ide the stru cture into several independen t parts. Based on this feature, a smi p lified m ethod for calculat ing earthqu ake act ion on stru cture w ith streng thened stories is proposed in th is p ap er, w hich is app licab le in pre lmi inary design of structures. K ey w ord s: strengthened sto ry h ighrise stru cture h igher modes smi pli



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