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巨大诸城龙鸭嘴龙化石骨架高9.1米,长16.6米,是目前世界上发现的最高最大的鸭嘴龙化石。 ?一进展览馆就看见巨大鸭嘴龙的骨架,很苍凉,但很庞大,难以想象的巨大的骨头,拼接出高大的体形,从拼接的骨架上可以想象出巨大恐龙的存在。 ??? 另一个展馆中模拟了恐龙生活的环境,有各种恐龙的模型,可以听到地动山摇的地震,听到恐龙的叫声,令人毛骨耸然。 ?? 世界上有很多恐龙发掘地,中国河南南阳,四川自贡有很大的恐龙,而山东诸城的恐龙遗址完全可以与之媲美。 ??? 说不清恐龙是如何灭绝的,有的说是小行星星撞击地球,有的说是全球降温,有的说是瘟疫,等等,但有一点可以肯定的,人类是在恐龙灭绝后出生的,也就是说恐龙用自己的牺牲,为我们人类的产生腾出了硕大的地球,从这个意义上讲,生活在恐龙同样生活过的地球上的人类真应该感谢这些庞然大物,祭奠一下这些牺牲自己的生物。 ??? 在感慨中离开了山东诸城,脑海里依然还是恐龙巨大的存在。 山东省诸城市恐龙博物馆位于山东省中南部的诸城市,以出土恐龙化石而闻名,被称为“恐龙之乡”。 在博物馆内可以观看恐龙化石,了解恐龙的生活环境,可以边看边做笔记。 Name The Dinosaur Museum Place In Zhucheng Favorite room Hadrosaur Room Opening hours From 8 am to 6:30 pm Price 160 yuan Write a passage about your favorite museum. Say if there are many museums in your town. There are only two museums in my town … Say which one is your favorite. My favorite museum is the Dinosaur Museum. Say why it is special or unusual. It’s special because there are many huge dinosaur fossils there. Say what you can see and do there. I can see the dinosaur fossils and learn about the environment they live, and I can take notes. The Dinosaur Museum There are two museums in my town. My favourite museum is the Dinosaur Museum. It is special because there are many kinds of dinosaur fossils there,and it is especially famous for the hadrosaur fossils. The huge hadrosaur fossil is the largest in the world. I can see the dinosaur fossils and learn about the environment they live, and I can take notes as well. It is open daily from 8 am to 6:30 pm. The price of the ticket is 160 yuan.If you ever go to Zhucheng,make sure you visit the Dinosaur Museum. Listen and choose the right answers 1. What can you learn about in the rooms on the second and third floor? A. Chinese B. environment C. art 2. What allows you to see inside your body? A. X-ray B. maths C. physics 3. What can you do in the Launchpad? A. see movies B. play sports C. physics experiments 4. What can you learn about on the fourth and fifth floors? A.


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