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Angry Young Men Time: during the fifties Defination: a group of young writers who were fiercely critical of the established order. the term was taken from john osbornes play Look Back in Anger. Representive writers: John Osborne(1929-1994) Life and Career born in London and was brought up mainly by his barmaid mother, his father, a commercial artist, died in 1941 when he was only 12. Osborne could not focus on his studies and drop out after riposting by slapping the master. He returned to London and became involved in the theatre when he took a job tutoring a touring company of young actors. He went on to serve as actor-manager and soon decided to try his hand at writing plays. Died as a result of complications from diabetes on december 24th 1994. and left behind a large body of works at stage. Main Works His first important work the devil inside him written with stella linden, was performed in 1950. Personal Enemy in 1995,written with Creighton, concerns the effect upon family and friends of a military prisoner?s decision to refuse repatriation from korea. In1956, his third play Look Back in Anger was put on in theroyal court theatre and made Osborne well-known ever since. The?Entertainer(1957). West?Of?Suez?《苏伊士以西》Theatre???1971 A?Place?Calling?Itself?Rome?《自称是罗马的地方》Theatre???(1973) writing style he?expresses?occasionally?an?ambivalent(矛盾的)?nostalgia?for the past and anger against contemporary world. Osbornes?anger?was?often?directed?at?women,?both?on stages?and?in?real?life. Osbornes?other?favorite?target?was?homosexuals. Look Back in Anger --His play Look Back in Anger was the turning point in postwar British theatre. Brief Introduction --Jimmy,lower middle-class, university-educated ,the angry young man --Alison, Jimmy’s wife and the daughter of a retired colonel. --Cliff, Jimmy’s friend --Helena, an actress, Alisons friend and Jimmy’s mistress Plot development the story of a young man named Jimmy porter who is of working class parentag


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