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第33 卷 第1 期 地球科学与环境学报 Vol.33 No.1 2011 年3 月 Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment M ar.2011 李厚民,毛景文, 张长青 ( , 100037) :, 3 、, 。: 1、2 , ( 5%~ 10%), w (NaCl) 8%~22%, , , CO , 80 ℃~260 ℃;2 2 , , 、, (30 ℃~ 2 0 ℃), ;3 , 5%~ 10%,w (NaCl)4%, CO , 140 ℃~ 270 ℃, 200 ℃。 1 3 2 , , 3 , 。 2 、。 :;;;; :P618.41 :A  :1672-6561(2011)01-0014-10 Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusions of the Basalt Copper Deposits in Adjacent Area of Northeastern Yunnan and Western Guizhou, China LI Hou-min, MAO Jing-w en, ZHANG Chang-qing (K ey laboratory of Me ta ll ogeny and M iner al Assessment of M i nist ry of L and an d R esources, I nsti t ute of Mi nera l R esources, Chi nese A cad emy of Geolog ical S ciences , B eij i ng 100037, Ch ina) Abstract:In order to understand the characteristics of ore-forming fluids of the Emeishan basalt copper mineralization in adjacent area of northeastern Yunnan and w estern Guizhou, studies on the composition, homogenization tem perature and salinity of the fluid inclusions and palaeo-petroleum inclusions in quartz and calcite of three metallogenic stages have been carried out by means of laser Ramman microprobe, f luorescent microscope and micro-thermometry.The results show that the ore-forming fluids of the first and the second metallogenic stages are of basinal saline fluids, w hich are composed of liquid H O and gas CH with the ratios of gas to liquid 5%-10%, 2


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