新编大学英语3 unit4.ppt

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新编大学英语3 unit4

Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading cf. engaged 1. having agreed to get married 订婚的 1) They have been engaged for 6 months. 2) Have you met the man she’s engaged to? Back to the text hypervigilance n. Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Back to the text “hyper- ” is a prefix, means “more than usual; especially too much”. It’s usually put before the noun or adjective. “hyper-“是个前缀,与形容词、名词结合,意思是 “过度的”。 e.g. hyperactive 儿童活动多得反常的 hypercritical 吹毛求疵的 hypersensitive 过于敏感的 hypertension 高血压 Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading haste n. great speed in doing something, especially because you do not have enough time 匆忙,急忙 I soon regretted my haste. in haste quickly or in a hurry 匆忙地 They left in haste, without even saying goodbye. More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。 (It is useless to do something too quickly.) Expressions Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading cf. hasten v. 1. to make something happen faster or sooner 加速,加紧 Her death had been hastened by large doses of painkilling drugs. cf. hasty adj. done in a hurry, especially with bad results 仓促完成的,匆忙的 He soon regretted his hasty decision. 他很快便对自己的仓促决定感到后悔。 2. to do or say something quickly or without delay 急忙,赶快 I hastened to assure her that there was no danger. Back to the text Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading 1. [only before noun] an alternative idea, plan etc is one that can be used instead of another one【仅用于名词前】可替代的,可供选择的 There doesn’t seem to be an alternative option. 2. [only before noun] an alternative system or solution is considered less damaging or more effective than the old one 【仅用于名词前】可取代(旧有的) alternative sources of energy alternative adj. Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Back to the text alternative n. something that you can choose to do or use instead of something else 可供选择的事物 1) Check out the alternative before deciding whether to go a nearby college. 2) I had no altern


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