新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1Read by critical thinking.ppt

新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1Read by critical thinking.ppt

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新编大学英语(第三版)1第一册 unit 1Read by critical thinking

If students fail to know any romance of an old couple, they may read A Story of an Old Couple in Reading Material of Self Market and then retell the story. If students fail to have any ideas about it, they may take references of Ways To Keep Old Age Romance Alive in Reading Material of Self Market. 3. supply (Line 2, Para. 4) v. give or provide something, can be used in phrases like “supply sth. to sb.” / “supply sb. with sth.”供应,提供,补充 e.g. I) The farmer supplies eggs to the surrounding villages. II) The high school supplies each student with textbooks. at this/that point :at an exact time, moment or stage in the development of sth. 在这个(那个)时候 e.g. At that point, I was still living at home and had no job. 4. at this/that point (Line 4, Para. 14) Meaning 5. relief (Line 4, Para. 15) n. 1.轻松,宽心,慰藉 e.g. Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。 2. (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除(+of/from/on) e.g. This medicine will give you quick relief. 这种药将迅速解除你的病痛。 Meaning 5. relief (Line 4, Para. 15) n. 3. 救济,补助; 救济物品,救济金 e.g. Relief was sent to the flood-hit areas. 救济物品被运到了洪水泛滥地区。 vt. 传播;展开;散布;铺开;伸展;涂撒 6. spread(Line 4, Para. 15) spread, spread e.g. I) The internet spread the news as soon as the accident happened . 事故一发生,收音机就把这条消息传播出去了。 II) The rumor was widely spread among the crowd. 谣言在人群当中广泛地传播开来。 Meaning vi. 伸展,延伸,延长,传开,蔓延 6. spread(Line 4, Para. 15) spread, spread e.g. I) A wide stretch of land spreads in front of us. 我们面前是一片广阔的土地。 II) The fire spread from the factory to the warehouse nearby. 火从工厂蔓延到了附近的仓库。 Meaning After Reading After Reading Step 1 Step 2 What article/poem/song does this passage remind you of? Compare this friendship with the one between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya, try to find out the differences and similarities between the two kinds of friendship. Based on what you’ve learned from this text, how would you describe one of your bes


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