新编大学英语book1 unit10.ppt

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新编大学英语book1 unit10

1. Organization Analysis Part One ( ): Part Two ( ): A. B. C. D. Part Three ( ) Filling in the Table Completing Sentences Knowledge About Suffixes Discussing the Different Meanings and Parts of Speech(词性) of the Word Collocation and Discussion Translation 3) reform A. The new parties have promised to carry out radical political and economic reforms. B. We are working to reform the nation’s prisons. 4) ruin A. After the earthquake, people were camping in the ruins of their houses. B. Tourism (旅游业) has ruined this once beautiful town. 5) plow A. Plows used to be pulled by horses, but now they are usually pulled by tractors (拖拉机). B. Farmers start plowing in the spring. 6) import A. She works for a company that imports leather from India. B. My uncle decided to buy a Chinese car instead of a Japanese import. 7) control A. Most farm animal diseases have been wiped out or brought under control by regular inoculation (预防注射). B. This button controls the temperature in the building. 8) waste A. If you leave the lights on all the time it wastes both electricity and money. B. Several companies are now trying to recycle (回收利用) waste in an effort to save money. 1) 最好的减肥方法是不吃含高脂肪(fatty)的食物。(avoid) 2) 交通不便曾是导致饥饿的主要原因之一。 (lack of transportation) 3)?浪费的包装(package)会抬高食品的价格。(add to) 4)?没有农业的发展,经济改革就不会成功。(without) 5) 明年农民们将种植更多的经济作物以取代粮食作物。(instead of) 6) 目前,世界上还有些地方的农民仍然在利用动物作劳力。(make use of) Part Two: In-Class Reading Detailed Reading current adj. Word Study happening or existing now 现时的,当前的? The current situation is very different from that in 1990.? Recent reports give the most current news about the accident. at present at this time, now 目前,现在? Mr. Williams is busy at present. Can you ring him later?? He is at pr


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