新编大学英语book1 unit4.ppt

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新编大学英语book1 unit4

Organization Analysis Organization Analysis Organization Analysis 1)?This soup has no ____ at all. 2) Reports about the costs of _______ children are more than we can understand. 3) The book also contains some ____ on how to take better photos. 4) “Go on then, ____ it,” said my grandfather, pouring a little of his home-made wine into my glass. 5) After they got married, they ______ in New York. 6)?What’s your ______, English or Business? 7)?What a ___ of cars there are in the parking ___! 8)?The ____ of the car was damaged in the accident. 9) Can we _____ the question of who will replace our leader tomorrow? 10) Computers are a _____ influence (影响) on modern society. 11)?He ______ into a very comfortable corner seat to enjoy the view. 12) The service hasn’t been very good—should we leave a 15% ___ for the waiter? a) The waiter brought drinks on a ____. b) Her parents always _____ her as the cleverest of their children. c)?A baby monkey ______________ its mother’s fur (毛) tightly. d) Why don’t you stop being angry and ____ for a while! e)The car ________ into a tree and burst into flames (着火). f) The construction was completed three weeks ahead of ________. g) He was able to ____ out of the room without disturbing anyone. H)?She ______ for her glasses on the bedside table. I) She was bored with work and wanted to do something _________ different. J)?Sarah tried several times to catch Philip’s eye, but he just ______ at her. k) When you’re in school there are lots of ___________ for meeting people of the opposite sex. l) Any ________ on the part of the government will be seen as weakness. Part Two: In-Class Reading Word Study slip v. 1. to slide a short distance out of place quickly and unexpectedly or fall by sliding My foot slipped and I nearly fell. 我的脚一滑,差点跌倒。 The soap slipped out of my hand. 肥皂从我手上滑落了。 2. to move smoothly, secretly or unnoticed The naughty boy slipped out of the


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