新编大学英语教程6 unit8 西工大.ppt

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新编大学英语教程6 unit8 西工大

Paragraph 5 10. square meal (L 25): a substantial, satisfying, and balanced meal 实惠的,令人满足的,吃得饱的(饭) Other meanings: e.g. an area of 36 square meters 36平方米的面积 Here is the 10 Yuan I owe you—now we are square. 这是我欠你的10元钱--这下我们两清了。 a square deal (fair or honest) 公平交易 Are you being square with me? 你对我是以诚相待的吗? 11. orgiastic (adj.) (L 26): of, relating to, or characteristic of an orgy 狂欢的, 放荡的 12. groan (v.): to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure 呻吟;叹息;(高兴地)哼哼 e.g. to groan with pain/pleasure 痛苦的呻吟;高兴地直哼哼 We all groaned at his terrible jokes. 他讲的笑话很糟糕,我们都发出不满的抱怨声。 They were all morning and groaning about the amount of homework they had. 他们对作业量都怨声载道。 13. anticipate (L 28): expect, look forward to e.g. The young pianist anticipated her debut with anxiety. Paraphrase: A day of fasting is not for me just a puritanical device for denying oneself a pleasure, but rather a way of anticipating a rare moment of supreme indulgence. An occasional self-denial of food is in no sense an indication that I refuse to accept a pleasure where I can. On the contrary, it is a good way to prepare me for pleasure that is even greater for being enjoyed infrequently. 第五段课文译文 就此而言,我并非真的想要一天三顿的美食——我想要的是一顿巨大的、美味、狂欢的丰富盛宴餐,比如说每四天来一次,之后就不能确定下一顿会在哪。禁食一天对我来说不仅仅是一种清教徒式的剥夺人们乐趣的方法,而更是一种期待少有的极度满足时刻的方式。 Paragraph 6 Paraphrase: Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite. (l. 30) If you fast, you have high regard for appetite, which is to be glorified. An act of homage is a metaphor, meaning “having high regard for ” or “showing great respect to”. The majesty of appetite is an exaggeration, comparing appetite to something very grand. (Note 16) 14. on top of (L 35) (1) on, over or covering e.g. Many people were crushed when the building collapsed on top of them. 那座楼房倒塌时砸伤了下面许多人。? (2) in addition to e.g. He gets commission on top of his salary.


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