新视野大学英语第二版读写教程4 Unit10 课文PPT.ppt

新视野大学英语第二版读写教程4 Unit10 课文PPT.ppt

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新视野大学英语第二版读写教程4 Unit10 课文PPT

Contents 什么是情商 情商的初步了解 课文分析与理解 互动与课外知识了解 Do you know EQ ? Emotional quotient (EQ) Refers to a person to the environment, personal or emotional control ability and the operation ability for team relationship. EQ=情绪商数 指一个人对环境、个人情绪的掌控能力和对 团队关系的运作能力。 EQ is an indicant of measuring and describing one’s emotions and feelings, which can be elaborated upon into capabilities of self-control over emotions, skills in handling interpersonal relationship, endure ability for drawbacks, extent to which one knows about himself and tolerance of others. 情商是测定和描述人的“情绪情感”的一种指标。它具体包括情绪的自控性、人际关系的处理能力、挫折的承受力、自我的了解程度以及对他人的理解与宽容。 EQ is of high plasticity,which opens up a new way for people to success and frees people from the helpless fatalism caused by being IQ-oriented. 情商的后天可塑性很高,这为人们开辟了一条事业成功的新途径,它使人们摆脱了过去只讲智商所造成的无可奈何的宿命论态度。 情商是由五种可以学习的能力组成的 1. Skill of sensing one’s own emotions 了解自己情绪的能力 One is able to sense his or her own feelings at once and know their sources. 能立刻察觉自己的情绪,了解情绪产生的根源 2. Skill of controlling emotions 控制自己情绪的能力 One is able to comfort him- or herself and get rid of intense anxiety and deep depression, to effectively cut off the root of bad emotions. 能够安抚自己,摆脱强烈的焦虑忧郁,有效地控制刺激情绪的根源。 3. Skill of being self-motivated 激励自己的能力 One is capable of handling all kinds of emotions and get more concentrated, and then makes their endeavors to get closer to the destination. 能够整顿情绪,增强注意力,让自己朝着一定的目标努力。 4. Skill of sensing others’ feelings 了解别人情绪的能力 One is able to sense how other people feel and what they need and be sympathetic 理解别人的感觉,察觉别人的真正需要,具有同情心。 5. Skill of maintaining a harmony in interpersonal relationship 维系融洽人际关系的能力 One can orient himself in different environments and get used to changes. 能够适应环境及其变化 Detailed Study of Section A Part I (Paras. 1- 3) Part II (Paras. 4-8) Part III (Paras. 9- 12) Pa


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