新视野第二册 Unit 4 课后练习答案.ppt

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新视野第二册 Unit 4 课后练习答案

新视野(第三版)练习答案 Unit4, Book2 Section A-Language Focus Words in use 1. confess 2. tempting 3. commence 4. coordinating 5. granted 6. deserved 7. displayed 8. consequently 9. lodged 10. proceed 3 Section A-Language Focus Word building -ed: contented, compress, complicate -ion: identification, justification, qualification, illustration, exhibit, extension, interpretation, plantation, perception 4 Section A-Language Focus Word Building 1. qualification 2. perception 3. plantation 4. compressed 5. exhibit 6. contented 7. interpretation 8. complicate 9. illustration 10. extension 11. Identification 12. justification 5 Section A-Language Focus Blanked cloze 1-5. N B C I H 6-10. L E M K C 6 Section A-Language Focus Expressions in use 1. on her behalf 2. took the liberty of 3. immune to 4. were filled with 5. fall in love with 6. Expelled from 7. been pessimistic about 8. go along with 7 Section B-Reading Skills 1-4. D C A C 5-8. A D B C 1 Section B-Language Focus Words in use 1. conveying 2. forged 3. thriving 4. abnormal 5. frowning 6. thrilled 7. reckoned 8. clarified 9. conquer 10. concealing 4 Section B-Language Focus Expressions in use 1. make contact with 2. took the initiative 3. are inclined to 4. thrive on 5. indifferent to 6. whip out 7. in the pit of her stomach 8. chip in 5 Section B-Language Focus Sentence structure 1. With online learning, there is less study in a regular classroom and more time to spend by yourself. 2. With regular exercise, you’ll have less mental stress and more physical strength. 3. With the new highway, there is l



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