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因公护照邀请函中英文 篇一:中英文邀请函模版 Company Name Company Location China Embassy P.R. Germany 06. 12. 2011 Dear Madam/Sirs, We hereby confirm that Mr. , After Service Engineer of , will visit our company in Shanghai in early Jan. 2012 to install and adjust our facilities. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no.: Passport expiry: Profession: The travel costs within China will be born by ( Company Name) Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, Signature ( Company Name) 公司名称 公司地址 中国驻德国大使馆 06. 12. 2011 邀请函 亲爱的先生/女士: 我们兹证实(人名)先生, (公司名称、职位),将于2012年1月初前来上海为我司安装调试机械设备,请予签发相关签证为感! (人名)先生个人信息如下: 姓: 名: 出生日期: 出生地: 国籍: 护照号.: 护照到期日: 职位: 此次旅行期间的所有费用,包括各项旅行费用和旅行期间的保险费用用和旅行期间的保险费用由——公司承担。 签章 篇二:Invitation letter(邀请函) To: Mr. W Xxx Ltd Country Fax: +xx xxxxxx Date Invitation Company Name would like to invite Mr. W, holder of passport No. xxxx, Position of xxx Ltd. to perform the Reason from Date to Date in China. Mr. W shall visit China for the same purpose every year. All the related expenses concerning the invitees?transportation, accommodation and meals etc during his stay in China shall be borne by xxxx. The xxxx would like to kindly request the Chinese Embassy to Country to for Mr. W and would like to avail itself of this opportunity to renew to the Chinese Embassy to xxx the assurances of its highest consideration. 邀请函 公司名邀请xxx公司职位W先生(所持护照号为:xxx)于xxx-xxx期间来华为原因阐述。W先生每年都会来华为xxxxxx。该先生在华期间所产生的各项费用,包括差旅,住宿和餐费均由公司名承担。 因W先生将定期来华事由, 发入境签证。 顺致崇高敬意! 公司名恳请中国驻国家大使馆为该先生签公司名 篇三:因公护照办理所需材料 因公护照办理所需材料 1.出国(境)任务批件原件1份(双跨团组须提供出国任务通知书复印件和确认件原件各1份)。 2.组织部政审批件原件1份(再次出国人员提供有效期内的原政审复印件1份及备案表1份)。 3.邀请函复印件1份。 ① 邀请函必须是邀请方正式函件(有邀请公司名称、地址、电话及邀请方公章或签名职务); ② 邀请函必须有邀请对象的姓名、性别、单位、职务及出访的任务目的、出访时间、停留天数; ③ 邀请函必须说明费用由哪方支付; ④ 邀请函中有出访团组在外的日程安排(按不同国家要求); ⑤ 邀请函中有邀请方发函的日期(有些国家使领馆要求邀请函必须有被邀请人员的护照号码); 4.申请因公护照签证


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