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English Qualification Test For A Bachelor’s Degree Nanjing Arts Institute ( College English For Art Students Book 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 ) (曹海英编辑) Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 25% ) (识记、 掌握) Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then put your choices on the answer sheet. The 9:30 train to Shanghai will depart from _C_____ six. A. Corridor B. Tower C. Platform D. Terrace (较易) 2. Few buildings on earth can ___B___the beauty of the Taj Mahal. A. brought together B. compete with C. put forward D. break away (较难) 3. He is really a miser. The only thing he ___A____ is money. A. cares about B. complains of C. closes up D. comes to (中) 4. Michelangelo _____ this figure from a single block of marble. A. surrounded B. carved C. wrapped D. established (较易) 5. Some viewers ______ appeared to reject the new design, but later they changed their views. A. eventually B. initially C. totally D. highly (中) 6. They made a new _____ to solve the problem, but failed again. A. emphasis B. contribution C. attempt D. observation  (较难)  7. Many species of the wild animals which once lived on the earth are no longer in _____. A. existence B. turn C. addition D. balance (中) 8. He got up late that morning. ______, he was late for school. A. Altogether B. At one time C. As a result D. Above all (中) 9. We all ___B___ mentioning those painful experiences. A. appreciate B. avoid C. apply D. appeal (中) 10. Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most ______ architects in the world. A. artificial B. traditional C. unfortunate D. prominent  (较易) 11. Standing by the pool, you can see your own _______ in the water. A. inlay B. beauty C. decoration D. reflection 


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