浅海波导中水平时反线列阵布放深度选择研究 - 声学技术.pdf

浅海波导中水平时反线列阵布放深度选择研究 - 声学技术.pdf

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浅海波导中水平时反线列阵布放深度选择研究 - 声学技术

第 31 卷第 3 期 声 学 技 术 Vol.31, No.3 2012 年 06 月 Technical Acoustics Jun., 2012 浅海波导中水平时反线列阵布放深度选择研究 王晓宇,杨益新 (西北工业大学航海学院,西安 710072) 摘要:以浅海声传播模型为基础,通过计算机仿真分别在理想等声速的Pekeris 波导中和接近实际的仿真典型浅海分 层波导中观察到以下现象:在理想等声速的 Pekeris 波导中,由布放在探测声源深度或者其对称深度位置附近的水平 线列阵时反后在探测声源处得到的聚焦强度最大;在仿真浅海波导中,只有布放在探测声源深度上的水平线列阵时 反后在探测声源处得到的聚焦强度最大。利用简正波建模从声源产生的声场在不同深度上的分布情况出发解释了以 上现象的物理机理。由此可以得出结论:与探测声源同深度布放的水平线列阵时反后可以得到最佳的聚焦性能。 关键词:时反聚焦;水平线列阵;布放深度 中图分类号:TN911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3630(2012)-03-0258-07 DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn1000-3630.2012.03.005 Deployed depth selection of horizontal time reversal line array in shallow water waveguide WANG Xiao-yu, YANG Yi-xin (College of Marine, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China) Abstract: The time reversal focusing performance of a horizontal line array deployed at different depths in shallow water waveguide is investigated by normal mode and numerical simulations. It is observed that the time reversal focusing in- tensity is most strong when the horizontal line array is deployed at the source depth or the complementary source depth in the Pekeris waveguide, but it is only the case for horizontal line array at the source depth in the more realistic wave guide. The physical mechanism of these phenomena could be explained by the normal mode according to the sound intensity distribution at different depths activated by the source. So, it can be concluded that the time reversal focusing performance of the horizontal line array deployed at the source depth is better than that of a horizontal line array at other depths. Key words: time reversal focusing; horizontal line ar



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