牛津版七年级英语Unit 4 Seasons grammar.ppt

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牛津版七年级英语Unit 4 Seasons grammar

Unit 4 Seasons Grammar Daily speaking What’s the weather like in Shenzhen in October? It is cool /hot and wet/dry . What do you think of this kind of weather? I think it is interesting/… for me , because is can … This plant needs a warm and _________ (sun) place. It is a ___________ (snow) winter this year. Jenny often wears a _________ (fun) hat. I am ______(hot). It will still be ______(sun) tomorrow. The flowers in the garden are ______(beauty). He is ______(tall) than the other boys in his class. 部分以—ly结尾的形容词:friendly,lovely,lonely,likely, lively, ugly 以ly结尾既可以做形容词,也可以是副词的有daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early. Activity 3 写反义词 1.wet → 2.cold→ 3.near → 4.bad → 5.hard → 6.long→ 7.fat → 8.tall → 9.big → 10.black → Activity 4 ①学习英语很简单。 ②按时完成作业很重要。(准时on time) ③吃早饭是很有必要的。(必要的necessary ) Activity 5 感官动词look, feel, taste, smell, sound, touch + adj. 表示某人/某物看/感觉/尝/闻/听/摸起来怎么样 Examples: He looks ill. 他看起来病了。 It smells good. 这个闻起来很好。 造句:这主意听上去不错。 This idea __________ great. 这沙发摸起来很软。 The sofa __________ soft. Activity 6 ( ) 1. --- What is the weather like today? ---It’s _______. A. cloud B. sun C. sunny D. wind ( ) 2. ---What a _______day! ---I’m afraid it’s going to get ____ tomorrow. A. dry; dry B. drier; dry C. dry; drier D. drier; drier ( ) 3. There are a lot of____. It’s______ . A. cloudy; clouds B. clouds; cloudy C. cloudy; cloudy D. clouds; clouds ( ) 4. The day is bright and ___. Let’s go for a walk. A. sunny B. dark C. cloudy D. windy ( ) 5.The night was very _____, so he had to take off his shoes ________. A. quiet; quietly B. quiet; quickly C. late; quick D. quite; quietly ( ) 6. I g


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