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第 13卷 第 4期 电 机 与 控 制 学 报 Vol113 N o14 2009年 7月 ELE CTR IC MACH INE S AND CONTROL Ju ly 2009 褚恩辉, 于万淼, 程洪波, 关尚武, 张化光 (东北大学 信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110004) : , , , , , , Boo t、 。: 、 ; , ; , IGBT。 。 : DC- DC; ; ; : TM 464 : A : 1007- 449X( 2009) 04- 0477- 06 Zero2voltage and zero2current transition chopper circuit CHU En2hu,i YU W an2m iao, CHENG H ong2bo, GUAN Shang2wu, ZHANG Hua2guang (College of Inform ation Science Engineer ing, Northea tern Un iver ity, Shenyang 110004, Ch ina) Abstract: In order to realize a mi p le topology w ith high efficiency, h igh frequency, low voltage tre , which i ea y to con trol oft w itching boo t converter, a novel zero2voltage and zero2current tran ition chopper i pre ented in the paper. It operation princip le i analyzed through it application to the boo t converter. The cond ition of oft2w itching and the de ign con ideration are analyzed in detai.l The novel oft2w itching cell can be al o u ed in other ba ic chopper circu it . The mi u lation and expermi ent re ult prove that oft2w itch ing of themain w itch and auxiliary can be achieved by u ing two auxiliary re onan t network . The propo ed chopper circuit ha uch advantage a zero2current turn2on and zero2voltage turn2off for themain w itch w ithout increa ing voltage and current tre , zero2curren t turn2on and turn2off for auxiliary w itche . It i very attractive for h igh power application where IGBT i predom inan tly u ed a the power w itche . Key words:DC2DC


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