寿司 三文鱼寿司制作 Sushi cooking procedure of Salmon Sushi概要1.ppt

寿司 三文鱼寿司制作 Sushi cooking procedure of Salmon Sushi概要1.ppt

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寿司 三文鱼寿司制作 Sushi cooking procedure of Salmon Sushi概要1

A Japanese Cate — Sushi By Liang Zuowei General Introduction on Jap. Cate Japans unique eating habits is mainly dominated by its special geographical environment. Japanese take fish, shrimp, shellfish and other seafood products as cooking materials. And, they cook them as hot dishes, cold dishes, or eat raw seafish slices. Jap. Cate’s Characteristic The Japanese cuisine emphasizes dish’s outlook and texture. The amount of each dish is not that much, but the quality of raw material is unparalleled. They focus on food material’s freshness, exquisite cutting technique and creative and beautiful food arrangement on the plate. Introduction on Sushi Sushi is also called the “Sixi Meal, and it is the representative of the Japanese food. 寿司又称“四喜饭”,是日本饭的代表。 Most of the Japanese people process sushi’s main ingredient in the modern vinegar mixed with rice method. And rice, in general, will be put in four more seasoning, so the sushi is called “Sixi Meal”. Category of Jap. Sushi According to its own cooking method, Sushi can be divided into a lot of branches, such as Raw Sushi, Cooked Sushi, Pressed sushi, Nigiri Sushi, Carp sushi, etc. Among above mentioned ones, Carp sushi is treated as the representative one and the most famous one. Main Raw Materials of Jap. Sushi Sushi rice, also known as the Japanese japonica rice, is white and pure, round and sticky, which is the best choice for cooking sushi. Commonly, ingredients used as lapping sushi’s skin is high-quality nori, seaweed, kelp, egg roll, tofu skin, Chinese cabbage, etc. Sushi’s filling. Sushi stuffing is rich and colorful, and can reflect the features of sushi. raw materials taken as stuffing often include seafish, crab, shellfish, freshwater fish, fried eggs and seasonal fresh vegetables, such as mushrooms, cucumber, lettuce and so on. Cooking Procedure of Salmon Sushi I. Salmon Sushi’s Ingredient II. Cooking procedure and method Salmon Sushi I. Salmon Sushi’s Ingredient Main Raw Materials Rice: 250g Egg: 50g Ca


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