
社会科学方法论 第三讲 概念测量(1).pptx

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1;概念(concept)测量(measure);3;4;5;6;幸福感:在生活满意度基础上产生的一种积极心理体验。它既是对生活的客观条件和所处状态的一种事实判断,又是对于生活的主观意义和满足程度的一种价值判断。 幸福感操作定义:  A类指数:涉及认知范畴的生活满意度包括生存状况(如就业、收入、社会保障等)、 生活质量满意度(如居住状况、医疗状况、环境状况、教育状况等)。  B类指标:涉及情感范畴的心态和情绪愉悦的程度,包括紧张程度、心态等。  C类指标:指人际以及个体与社会的和谐程度,包括对人际交往的满意度、身份认同、个人幸福与社会和城市发展的关系。 ;本讲内容提要;测量的定义;一、测量过程;忠诚感的测量;二、测量尺度;定类尺度;定序尺度 ;定距尺度;定比尺度;Scale Nominal Numbers Assigned to Runners Ordinal Rank Order of Winners Interval Performance Rating on a 0 to 10 Scale Ratio Time to Finish, in Seconds ;Nominal Ordinal Ratio Scale Scale Scale Preference $ spent last No. Store Rankings 3 months 1. Lord Taylor 2. Macy’s 3. Kmart 4. Rich’s 5. J.C. Penny 6. Neiman Marcus 7. Target 8. Saks Fifth Avenue 9. Sears 10.Wal-Mart;例:;三、不同测量方法;The most common method of taste testing is paired comparison. The consumer is asked to sample two different products and select the one with the most appealing taste. The test is done in private and a minimum of 1,000 responses is considered an adequate sample. A blind taste test for a soft drink, where imagery, self-perception and brand reputation are very important factors in the consumer’s purchasing decision, may not be a good indicator of performance in the marketplace. The introduction of New Coke illustrates this point. New Coke was heavily favored in blind paired comparison taste tests, but its introduction was less than successful, because image plays a major role in the purchase of Coke. A paired comparison taste test ;; Brand Rank Order 1. Crest _________ 2. Colgate _________ 3. A



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