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14.4对垄断的公共政策 For a competitive firm, price equals marginal cost. P = MR = MC For a monopoly firm, price exceeds marginal cost. P MR = MC Government responds to the problem of monopoly in one of four ways. Making monopolized industries more competitive. Regulating the behavior of monopolies. Turning some private monopolies into public enterprises. Doing nothing at all. Increasing Competition with Antitrust Laws Antitrust laws are a collection of statutes aimed at curbing monopoly power. Antitrust laws give government various ways to promote competition. They allow government to prevent mergers. They allow government to break up companies. They prevent companies from performing activities which make markets less competitive. Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Reduced the market power of the large and powerful “trusts” of that time period. Clayton Act (1914) Strengthened the government’s powers and authorized private lawsuits. 14.4价格歧视:价格歧视:以不同价格向不同顾客出售同一种物品的经营作法. Price discrimination is the practice of selling the same good at different prices to different customers, even though the costs for producing for the two customers are the same Price discrimination is not possible when a good is sold in a competitive market since there are many firms all selling at the market price. In order to price discriminate, the firm must have some market power. . 价格歧视的例子: 电影票、飞机票价、折扣券、奖学金、(你们的奖学金制度) 数量折扣 第14章垄断Monopoly While a competitive firm is a price taker, a monopoly firm is a price maker. 厦门大学经济学系 丁长发cfding@xmu.edu.cn 知晓为什么一些市场只有一个卖者 分析垄断者如何决定生产量和收取的价格 说明垄断者的决策如何影响经济福利 考虑各种旨在解决垄断问题的公共政策 说明垄断者为什么要对不同顾客收取不同价格Learn why some markets have only one seller Analyze how a monopoly determines the quantity to produce and the price to charge See how the monopoly’s decisions affect economic well-being Consider the various public policies aimed at solving the problem of monopoly See why monopolies try to charge different prices to different customers Monopoly A firm is considered a m


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