
第六章 ARPA1.ppt

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第六章 ARPA1

第二篇 ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aids §6.1 ARPA principle in brief 6.1.1 Block diagram 3 sensors: radar, log, gyro; 5/6 signals: trigger, echo, bearing, HL, speed, course; Output: targets’ bearing, range, speed, course, CPA, TCPA All the input information/data should be conditioned and digitized (§7.3). §6.2 ARPA display facilities performance standards(see P182-4) 6.2.1 Overall: not inferior to radar display observed by man Manual acquisition: Cancellation should also be manual → 3.2 Acquisition marker: ( ) 6.2.3 Additional facilities Automatic acquisition Guard zone setting (P132-136) Nav-lines/map lines: for temporary use and/or memory keeping §6.3 The factors that affect ARPA performance and accuracy 6.3.1 Sensor error (P155-8) 1. Radar error Installation Target glint Bearing Range error error 2. Gyro Log error Can’t affect-----relative position/speed, CPA, TCPA. Can affect-----true vector (accuracy), PPC, PAD (position appearance). gyro affect true vector: P156 6.3.2 ARPA errors (P158-60) Track error (1) Filter error (2) CPU calculation error The accuracy of RM is higher than that of TM. To examine the reliability of TM data, it is useful to acquire a fix target (buoy), and according to its historic trail the reliability of tracking/calculating system can be tested. Target swap: P129-30 Acquisition of false target clutter 6.3.3 Misinterpretation of ARPA Information Misinterpretation of presentation mode Speed over ground/water; Vector presentation/ history presentation; Misinterpretation of PAD Misinterpretation of trial manoeuvre §6.4 The limitation of ARPA (P160-3) 6.4.1 Accuracy limitation ì sensor error í tracking error ? inconsistency with the supposition in IMO standards (say ±10°- P184) 6.4.3


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