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Learning aims: 1、知识目标 1).掌握本单元所学单词和短语15个 2)语法. Why 问句及应答 Where…from?问句及答语 2、能力目标:谈论动物 表达好恶 3、情感目标:激发喜欢动物,保护动物的热情。 Fill in the blanks. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: ____ see the tigers, first. B: No, they are ____. Let’s see the pandas. A: Why do you want___ ___ pandas? B: Because they are ____ and ___. A: Where are they from? B: They ___ ___ China. A: Ok. Let’s go. Write a plan of visiting a zoo. 写一篇动物园的游览计划 I want to go to zoo. First, I want to see… … Because they are… … I don’t to see …. …Second, … … Read 2d and find the answers. Show your pets. I have a … …. It is …. … It can… … I want to have a … … It is It can… … Animals are our friends. We live in the same small world. To love animals is to love ourselves Animals panda, tiger, cat elephant, lion, koala, giraffe cute, lazy, smart scary, beautiful China, Australia, South Africa Names Description words(描述词) Countries/be from Let’s see… Why do you like…? Because they are… Why don’t you like…? Because they are… Where are …from…? They are from… Mind-map Homework 1 总结所学过的动物名称,用英语写出来。 2 在mind-map的帮助下编写一个对话来讨论一下你所喜欢或不喜欢的动物及原因。 What pet does Jenny have? What can he do ? What pet does Peter’s mother have? Does Peter like her? Why? She has a dog, Dingding. She can walk on two legs. She can dance, too. Her mother has a big cat. No, he doesn’t. Because she seeps all day. Jenny: Your dog is very ______, Peter. Peter: His name is Dingding. He’s very ______. Jenny: Really? _______ can he do? Peter: He can walk on two _____. He can dance, too. Jenny: Wow! Peter: Does your family have an _________? Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: _______ don’t you like the cat? Jenny: Well, _________ she’s ____________ boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is ______. Peter: Haha, then that’s a good name for her. animal, what cute because smart Lazy why kind of leg cute smart What legs animal Why because kind of Lazy * * Do you like lions? Why


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