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Dule Cave(都乐岩) Situated in the southern suburbs of Liuzhou, this limestone cave(石灰岩) with its fantastically shaped stalactites (钟乳石) and stalagmites(石笋) was formed more than a million years ago, like Seven-Star Cave(七星岩) and Reed Flute Cave(芦笛岩) in Guilin. At one place on the ceiling of the cave, there is a small hole through which the sky can be seen, as from a deep well. Dule Cave(都乐岩) Dule Cave(都乐岩) Legend has it that the cave was inhabited(居住) by yet another fish goddess who leaped out of the cave through the ceiling, leaving a hole in it, when she heard that Third Sister Liu was in trouble. Dule Cave is very deep, with many twisted passages(弯弯曲曲的) and many smaller caves within it. The oddly shaped(奇形怪状的) rocks and the gurgling(汩汩声) of underground streams give and cave an eerie(阴森可怖的) atmosphere. Rongshui Miao Autonomous County (融水苗族自治县) Rongshui, 168 kilometers east of Guilin, is a Miao autonomous county. The Lusheng Festival and the Gulongpo Festival(古龙坡会) are excellent opportunities to see the talented Miao singers and dancers. Tourists can now cruise the Beijiang River to admire the scenery along the shores, or become guests in the Miao villages of Goutan, Changlai and Luojiu. 融水老君洞 Rongshui Miao Autonomous County attracts visitors with its charming natural scenery. The clear Bei River flows all the year round and the bamboo on the banks are green in four seasons. Changlai Miao Village, on the Bei River bank and 10 kilometers from the county seat, features Miao dance and reed-pipe(簧管) tunes. The villagers always entertain(招待) their guests with unique local foods. Sanjiang Dong villages(三江侗寨) A hundred kilometres northwest of Guilin the road winds steeply through some fine stands of mountain bamboo, and enters the southern limit of a fascinating ethnic autonomous region. With a superbly rich landscape as a backdrop(背景), it‘s simple to hop on(跳上) local transport from the county towns of Longsheng and Sanjiang and head off to tour the


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