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System of U. S. Government Checks and Balances Joint Session of Congress 2.4 The Judicial Branch The judicial branch consists of a series of courts: the Supreme Court the courts of appeals—12 the district courts—94 The Supreme Court—highest court; One Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices; decisions are made by the majority. appointed by the President with the Senate’s approval; only removed from office by Congress through difficult impeachment. 3. Political Parties Symbols of the parties The Democratic Party The Republican Party Function of Parties 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.1 Symbols of the parties Donkey Elephant In 1847, American artist Thomas Nest drew a political picture with a donkey representing the Democratic Party and an elephant representing the Republican Party. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party From then on, they became the symbol of the two parties. 3.2 The Democratic Party The Democratic Party—liberal; Government—playing an important role in the economy and emphasizing full employment; Favor civil rights laws, a strong social security system and less restrictive abortion laws, etc.; More disposed to search out a method of living with Russia and China and to look for reduction in arms spending. 3.3 The Republican Party The Republican Party—conservative; Favor an economic system—giving enterprises a greater freedom and demand the government to control inflation; Stress the need for law and order; Oppose complete governmental social programs and free choice of abortion; Favor a strong military posture and assertive stands in international relations. 3.4 Function of Parties To nominate candidates for office and help them in their election campaigns. find the most suitable candidates; help candidates to collect the money needed, mobilize the party activists or hire people to help them with the propaganda; urge the public to vote for them and undermine the rivals by exposing their personal flaws or attacking their policies. 4.


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