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International Phonetic symbols(国际音标) /?/与/?:/的区别 bond-bored swan-sworn job-jaw not-naught lot-lord fox-forks shot-short cock-cork pot-port spot-sport /?/与/u:/的区别 book-boot look-loot could-cool pull-pool full-fool took-tool good-goose foot-food hook-whose shook-shoot stood-stool /?/与/?:/的区别/?/与/ɑ:/的区别 won-worn bun-barn bunch-burn hut-heart ton-turn cut-cart fun-firm fuss-farce bud-bird butler-partner cult-curl come-calm pus-purse guts-guards shut-shirt must-master fuss-first lust-last /f/ 例词: friend fat fish 短语: five flowers fast food /v/ drive village very lovely view village vet /k/ car duck clock the back of the car ask question /g/ bag dog goat good girl as good as gold /θ/ 例词: thank month thin 短语: three thinkers healthy author /e/ father there that get together another brother /s/ 例词: sun small horse 短语: sleep soundly some books /z/ zoo prize jazz music close the windows /j/ yellow year new year’s day new York university /w/ week win window weeping willow /?/ fish sugar shoe fashion shops British shoes /?/ a great decision my pleasure Pleasure measure /h/ 例词: hat hard 短语: heart and hand high heels /r/ rose lorry卡车 American waitress a married secretary /l/ black light early for lunch leg of lamb /m/ moon home man-made make a mistake /n/ neck tin a negative answer /?/ ink ring sing strong string playing ping-pang /j/ yellow year new year’s day new York u


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