英语:Unit5《First aid》课件Using Language(新人教版必修5).ppt

英语:Unit5《First aid》课件Using Language(新人教版必修5).ppt

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英语:Unit5《First aid》课件Using Language(新人教版必修5)

Using Language Heroic teenager receives award Let’s do some revision. Fill in the blanks. Read the article carefully and then put these events in the order. __ The attacker ran away. __ Anne was attacked and started to scream. __ John performed first aid on Anne __ John was studying in his house. __ The ambulance arrived. __ John ran outside with his father. __ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. Answer the questions 1.What was John honoured for? 1. What was John honoured for? 4. What saved Ms Slade’s life? John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid saved her life. 5.What first aid did John perform on Anne? Summary — Fill in the Blanks. Last night, John heard ___________ and _______ outside. His neighbor Anne had been _______. She was _______ heavily. John and his father asked for ________, but nobody could ____ _____ _____ ___ them. They got some tea _____ and ____ from their house. John used these to ____ the most severe injuries and _______ the bleeding by ________ _________ to the wounds. It was John’s ______ _______ and ____________ of first aid that saved Anne’s life. Useful expressions 1 在救生员颁奖大会 2 在颁奖大会 3 对某人实施急救 4 紧急抢救 5 骇人听闻的持刀杀人 6 找到 7 手上的伤口 8 按住伤口 9 敏捷的思维 10 产生差别 present v. 颁发,授予,赠送。例如: The mayor presented the prizes in person. 常用: present sb with sth = present sth to sb 授 予/赠给某人某物 He present a silver cup to the winner. 他把银杯颁给了获胜者。 此外,present作动词还有“呈现,显示; 阐述,表达;引见”等意思。 例如:The same problem presented itself to her again. 同样的问题又在她身上出现。 ceremony n. (C)典礼;仪式 (U)礼节;礼仪;客套 The wedding ceremony was beautiful. There is no need for ceremony between us. Expressions: stand on ceremony拘泥礼节;讲究客套 with ceremony 正式;隆重 without ceremony不拘礼节地;随便地 3. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. 5. He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages, but… 他立即向旁边的一些人要绷带, 但 …… a number of+可数名词,谓语用复 数,意为“许多


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