雅思小作文 写作总概.doc

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雅思小作文 写作总概

雅思写作 Task 1图表小作文 图表简介:图表分类: 图表通常分为两大类。一类是数据图,包括曲线图(graph/ line chart),柱状图(bar chart/ column chart),饼状图(pie chart)和表格(table)。 另一类是示意图/流程图(diagram/flow chart)。目前在雅思考试中主要出现的是数据图。图表:最多柱状图,其次曲线图,再者饼状图,表格。图表大忌:切忌发表个人观点和看法,切忌照搬题目、切忌简单罗列数据、避免词汇重复写作注意事项: 词汇语法:词汇准确多样,不能重复 those who work in = people working in = the employee in 句子:结构不能太简单 逻辑:句子里,句子与句子之间,段与段之间都要使用表示对比,转折,相似的连词或副词。 时态:二. 图表作文审题 审题包括审读题目要求或说明以及查看图表及其注解。题目的文字部分一般提供了有关这个图表的最基本信息,如所涉及的背景、研究的对象、时间和地点。对于图表部分,我们需要仔细考察,查看纵横轴等,找出值得描述的主要规律和特征、关键点、总体趋势(overall trends)和不规则变化(irregularities)。 开头段 图表类型 动词谓语 三要素:研究的对象+时间+地点 The chart graph table diagram shows indicates illustrates describes gives presents depicts reveals the number of information about data on that figures statistics 主体段 描述信息出处 According to the According to the number shown in the As is shown in the As can be seen from the pie chart table/chart diagram graph/line chart figures +总概括句子 It can be seen from the We learn from the We can see from the It is clear/apparent from the that+总概括句子 As the shows indicates illustrates describes that+总概括句子 presents depicts reveals 1)主语 变化动词 变化程度的副词 时间段 导入数据 The number of The figure of The percentage of The proportion of 上升/增加 increased jumped rose grew went up climbed gently suddenly rapidly / quickly dramatically significantly sharply / steeply steadily / stably smoothly consistently continually gradually / slowly slightly maximally minimally comparatively slowly from … to …, between… and…, for one month, for a period of , over the next month, during the next month, over the period from .to over the 25-year period duringthe25-year period , with… , at… ( ) by to from…to… ,falling/increasing from. to. ,making up 20%. ,accounting for 20%. ,amounting to 2000. ,which falls/increase from.to ,which is 20%. ,which makes up 20%. ,which constitutes 20%. ,which account for 20%. 或插入语 下降/减少 decreased dropped fell reduced went down slumped sink 上下波动 fluctuated varied rise


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