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Unit 5 First aid Ⅰ. 单元教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals for particular injuries Ⅱ. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Expressing instructions Give others your positive suggestions or orders We / You should / ought to ... Please do ... Make sure ... You must / have to / ought to ... You must never ... You ought never to ... Give others your negative suggestions or orders You should not ... You ought not to ... Please don’t ... You should never ... You must / should never to ... 词 汇 aid, injury, bleed, ankle, choke, blood, bloody, burn, organ, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, tissue, electric, swell, damage, jewellery, squeeze, wound, bandage, symptom, kettle, wrist, damp, sleeve, throat, present, ceremony, bravery, towel, pressure, ambulance, authentic 2. 认读词汇 sprain, essential, layer, heal, blister, watery, char, nerve, ointment, infection, label, Jason, Slade, stab, scheme, bruise 3. 词组 first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, a number of, put one’s hands on, catch fire, ought to, have to, stay calm, keep in mind, manage to, flow out, die of 4. 重点词汇 injury, bleed, swell, damage, wound, damp, throat, present, bravery, should, ought to, make sure, have to 语 法 Learn about Ellipsis 重 点 句 子 1. Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degree burns. P34 2. These burns affect both the top layer of the skin . P34 3. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. P38 4. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. P38 5. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life. P38 Ⅲ. 教材分析 教材分析 本单元以“急救”为中心话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关first aid的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施,能牢固地掌握构词法和省略句,能写急救措施。 1 WARMING UP 提供了六幅有关first aid 的图片,展示各种事故:被蛇咬,出血,扭伤脚踝,食物噎塞喉咙,摔伤手臂, 鼻子流血,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论对这六种情况应该采取的急救措施,同时让学生意识到,生活中我们可能会碰到各种各样的意外,面对意外, 我们必须学会一些急救知识。激发学生学习急救的知识兴趣,树立安全意识。 2 PRE


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