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Contents Proverbs Making Your Reading More Effective Extending Your Language Scope Strengthening Your Translation Competence Improving Your Listening Comprehension Bettering Your Writing Skill Proverbs First impressions are half the battle. 初次见面,印象最深。 Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 要人尊敬,必须自重。 A still tongue makes a wise head 寡言者智。 Summary Writing Directions: Summarize the key information of Text A by answering the following questions in no more than 200 words. Try to use connectives between the answers and make them a coherent and logical paragraph. 1. How do we judge people or are we judged at first sight? 2. If we want to make a good first impression on others, what should we do? Reference Research shows that we judge or are judged within the first seven seconds of meeting people by reading each other’s eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. How can we make a good first impression on others? First of all, others will always want to be with us and help us if we show our good qualities through our physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice, gestures, expression in our eyes and the ability to hold the interest of others. Besides, we should be consistently the same and our behavior should match our words, because people believe what they see over what they hear. In addition, when talking with others, we should smile and keep eye contact with them to show we are relaxed and respectful. Last but not least, to make others comfortable, we should not take ourselves too seriously, and humor may help us lighten up in a tense situation. In a word, it’s not necessary to make huge changes if we want to make a good first impression on other people. What we should do is just to be ourselves, because nobody can be us as well as we can. Skimming and Scanning Directions: Read Text B quickly and choose the right answer for each of the following stateme


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