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Translation of Color Words 英国红色电话亭变身迷你图书馆 Red phone boxes get new lease of life Britains iconic red phone boxes have become obsolete in the age of the mobile -- but villages across the country are stepping in to save them, with creative flair. 在如今的移动通讯时代,英国标志性的红色电话亭已渐渐过时,但英国各地的小镇居民正发挥他们的聪明才智来保卫这些“红盒子”。 Whether as a place to exhibit art, poetry, or even as a tiny library, hundreds of kiosks have been given a new lease of life by local communities determined to preserve a quintessential part of British life. 红色公用电话亭被视为英国社会的文化标志,在社区居民的努力下,英国数百个电话亭获得新生,被用来展示艺术、诗歌,甚至变身为迷你图书馆。 kiosk:公用电话亭 a new lease of life:新生 quintessential:representing the perfect example of a class or quality(精粹的,精髓的) 英国视频网站Facebook增长最快 Facebook is the UKs fastest growing video site Facebook is the fastest growing video site in the UK over the last year, according to new comScore data. 根据互联网流量检测机构comScore的最新统计数据,Facebook是去年英国发展最为迅速的视频网站。 The latest comScore data reveals that during February 2010, 43 million videos were watched on Facebook – which is a 205 per cent increase on the year. Last February only 14 million videos were watched via the site. 据comScore的最新数据显示,今年2月份,Facebook英国网站被浏览的视频数达4300万个,比去年同期增长205%,去年2月,该网站被观看的视频数仅为1400万。 Google properties, mainly driven by YouTube, were still the most popular online video destinations, recording 2.5 billion video views during February 2010, which marked a 17 per cent annual increase. 以YouTube为首的谷歌旗下各视频网站仍然最受欢迎,今年2月的总浏览量达25亿,年比增长17%。 The BBC websites ranked second with 140 million videos viewed across its web properties during February 2010, and was followed by Megavideo, which recorded 53 million video views - during the same month. 英国广播公司(BBC)网站位居第二,同期被浏览视频数达1.4亿,其次是Megavideo网站,达5300万。 研究:四大不良生活习惯让你显老12岁 Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests Four common bad habits combined — smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet — can age you by 12 years, sobering new research suggests. 一项最新研究结果让人警醒:吸烟、酗酒、缺乏运动和饮食不合理等四个不良习惯加在一起,会让你看上去


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