2017届广东高考英语一轮复习M5 Unit 5 First aid.ppt

2017届广东高考英语一轮复习M5 Unit 5 First aid.ppt

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2017届广东高考英语一轮复习M5 Unit 5 First aid

* Unit 5 First aid 1.apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使 用;有效 apply...to...把……应用于…… apply for 申请;请求 apply to sb.for sth.向某人申请某物 apply oneself/ones mind to...专心从事……;埋头于…… application n.应用;申请;敷用 applicant n.申请人 运用 完成句子 (1)从这所著名的大学毕业后,我将把我学到的知识应用到 日常工作中。 When I graduate from this famous university, Ill __________ what I have learnt ____________ everyday work. (2)学生们应该专心学习。 Students should _______________________________ study. (3)——我失业好长时间了。 ——真的吗?为什么不在我的公司申请一份工作呢? —Im out of work for a long time. —Really? Why not _____________ a job at my company? apply to apply themselves/their mind to apply for 2.pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感) put pressure on sb.(to do sth.) 对某人施加压力( 迫使其做某 事) under pressure 在压力之下;(液体或气体)受压力 under the pressure of...在……的压力下 运用 完成句子 (1)这件事是在迫切需要的情况下而做的。 It was done _____________________ of the necessity. (2)不要给她压力,她已经很紧张了。 Dont ______________________.She is very nervous. under the pressure put pressure on her 用所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1.他对那个女孩施以急救。 He gave the ________________ to that girl. 2.她因那次受伤至今仍感不适。 She still suffers considerable discomfort from her________. 3.我试了医生给我推荐的所有疗法。 I tried every ________________ the doctor suggested. first aid injury treatment 4.这名战士因作战勇敢而获得了勋章。 The soldier earned a medal for ________________. 5.我们的儿童是否正遭受着空气中铅的毒害? Are our children ______________ by lead in the atmosphere? 6.所有的年轻战士都愿意为祖国洒热血。 All the young soldiers are ready __________ for the country. bravery being poisoned to bleed 1.fall ill (=get/become/be ill) 生病 fall/get/become/be 作系动词,后接形容词构成的常见系表 结构有: fall asleep 入睡 fall silent 安静下来 get injured 受伤 get married 结婚 become/get angry 生气;发怒 运用 完成句子 (1)因为这个坏消息他病倒了。 He ________________ because of the bad news. (2)他由于自己不小心而受了伤。 He ______________ because of his own carelessness. (3)他生气时就会大叫,这是常有的情形。 He shouts when he ____________________________, as is often the case. fell ill got injured becomes/gets angry 2.squeeze out 榨出;挤出 squeeze in 挤进去 squeeze sth.out of...从……压出/挤出/榨


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