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词汇句型整理 每个后选人都具备说四门语言的能力。(ability) Every candidate has the ability to speak four languages. 小孩子无法树立正确的人生目标。(able) Children are not able to set right life goals. 我正要接电话,门铃就响了。(about) I was about to answer the phone when the door bell rang.= on the point of answering 他没上课,因为他要在家照顾奶奶。(absent) He was absent from classes/ school, for he looked after his grandma at home. 5. 在他专注于研究工作的时候, 一定不要打扰他.(absorb) Don’t interrupt him when he is absorbed in his research. 6. 只有高级官员可以接触到那些文件。(access) Only senior officials can have access to these documents. 比较: These documents are only accessible to senior officials. 7. 这个宫殿过去老百姓是不可以进去的。(accessible) The palace used not to be accessible to ordinary people. 8. 他没有去学校是因为他头疼。(account) His headache accounts for his absence from school. account for 表示 “说明…的原因” 9. 文化冲击的意思是当一个人到了新的国家,他不能适应新的环境。(adapt) Culture shock means that when one arrives in a new country, he can’t adapt himself to the new environment. (也可以说 be adapted to sth./ doing sth.) 10. 浓雾增加了我们的困难。(add) The heavy fog added to our difficulty. 11. 除了牛奶,我还没了些茶叶.(in addition) In addition to milk, I bought some tea. 12. 他不承认他没被那所大学录取。(admit) He didn’t admit not being admitted to the university. admit doing 承认做某事 be admitted to 被允许进入 13. 利用小孩的无知是不道德的。(take advantage of) It’s immoral to take advantage of children’s ignorance. 14.如今越来越多的中国人买得房子.(afford) Nowadays more and more Chinese people can afford (to buy) houses. 15. 现在我同意你的说法,那边的天气确实不适合我.(agree) Now I agree with you to the fact that the weather there doesn’t agree with me. agree 的用法有: agree with sb. (suggest 等表示建议,观点的词) agree to do sth. agree to sth. agree on sh. 就….达成一致 agree with 与…一致,适应 16. 这项交流计划以高中生为对象.(aim) The exchange programme aims at high school students. 17. 雇员不允许打私人电话.(allow) The employees aren’t allowed to make private phone calls. allow的用法有 allow sb. to do allow doing 18. 现在你除了参加高考,没有其他的选择.(alternative) You have no alt


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