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高中英语必修3 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note Noun Clause 名词性从句 Sherlock has a case about some mysterious sentences He has to analyze some sentences. Let’s help him. 1. What kinds of words do we have in a sentence? Noun Verbs Adj. Adv. Noun (1) Sherlock Holmes is a famous British detective. (2) Sherlock Holmes, a British detective, solved many cases. 2.How can nouns function in a sentence? Subject(主语) Appositive(同位语) Object(宾语) Subject(主语) Predicative(表语) Sherlock finds a piece of paper with two sentences in the crime scene (犯罪现场). After understanding the sentences, he begins his further investigation(调查)on a man… INVESTIGATION ON SENTENCES “Who he is remains a big secret.” As subject The Subject Clause (主语从句) When Sherlock Holmes is questioning the man, he thinks…. 3.What if we replace the noun with a sentence? “The question is whether we can rely on him.” As predicative The Predicative Clause (表语从句) Then, he continues …. 3.What if we replace the noun with a sentence? As object The Object Clause (宾语从句) 3.What if we replace the noun with a sentence? But the man finally tells him… “ I don’t know whether I could survive until tomorrow morning because someone wants to kill me.” The latest news that the man had fled away secretly is the truth. He is the killer! As Appositive The Appositive Clause (同位语从句) 3.What if we replace the noun with a sentence? Liar! 4. All these sentences are the Noun Clause Noun Clause The Subject Clause (主语从句) The Predicative Clause (表语从句) The Object Clause (宾语从句) The Appositive Clause (同位语从句〉 1.We can use a sentence to replace the noun in the sentence. 2.We should use some conjunctions(连接词)to connect them. 3.This kind of sentence we call Noun Clause. 4.We used noun cause to tell more detail information. 5.Conclusion Noun Sentence Thank you!


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