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Lesson1topic1.Hurricane Katrina 2.My experience of an earthquake(or a flood, or a typhoon, or a bad accident,etc)Lesson3 topicDescribe and comment on one of the three characters in the text.Write an essay titled Reflections on “Blackmail” with 300 words in English.You can approach the essay from the following perspectives.The characterization of the three characters.The preparation for the climax of the story.The morality or immorality of the Duchess.Lesson41.William Jennings Bryan and the fundamentalist movement in the 1920s2.the effects of the Scopes ”Monkey Trial”Lesson6Mark Twain’s lifeMy favorite book by Mark TwainThe Adventure of Huckleberry Finn(or Tom Sawyer)Lesson7Alice Walker and her workCompare the two sisters Dee and MaggieComment on the character of Mrs.JohnsonVocabulary Test Lesson 1 book 1 1.?The crew had been mustered to?______?the hatches.a. batten?down 板条钉住 b. sit out c. come by d. trail away ?The crew had been mustered to?batten?down?the hatches. 所有船员被集合起来进行封舱以防暴风雨袭击.2. If clouds?______?along, they move quickly and smoothly through the sky.Scramble爬 b. clutch抓住c. scud疾行 d. perish死亡If clouds?scud?along, they move quickly and smoothly through the sky.(云彩)掠过3. He received a?_______?of her hand on his cheek.a. swath b. lash 抽打 c. slash d. pitchHe received a?lash?of her hand on his cheek.他突然被她打了一记耳光.4. The thief was pushed and________ by an angry crowd.raged 动怒 b. lapped包围 c. cowered畏缩d. pummeled击打The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.一群人推搡并痛打小偷。5. The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the?______.a. whip鞭子 b. sanctuary c. cedar d. rockThe jockey said he tended to flick horses with the?whip. 骑手说他经常会用鞭子抽马。6. Now and then they heard the?______?of a heavy truck.a. pane b. roar 呼啸声 c. yell d. blast ?Now and then they heard the?roar?of a heavy truck. 他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声。7. Men came with buckets of water and began to?______?the flames. a. whip b. damage c. douse熄灭 d. perishMen came with buck


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