新目标九年级英语第十二单元Section A 2.ppt

新目标九年级英语第十二单元Section A 2.ppt

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Skimming 1)Are people relaxed about time in Colombia? 2)What’s the attitude towards time in Switzerland? Scanning (1)In Colombia, it’s okay if you arrive a bit late for a dinner. (2)People in Colombia usually make plans to meet their friends. (3)In Switzerland,people are pretty relaxed about time. (4)In Switzerland,people never visit a friend’s house without calling first. 3a Read and listen, then fill in the chart. 翻译下列词组 1.be relaxed about 2.dorp by 3.make plans 4.be on time 5.call first 6.arrive a bit late 7.after all 8.spend time with family 9.as …as sb. can 10.plan to do sth\. In Switzerland,it’s very important to . They are the land of the wathes , They never visit a friend’s house without first.They usually make plans to see friends. They usually something interesting,or somewhere together. Reading up 观察与思考 1.Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.   对我们来说与家人和朋友共度时光是很重要的。   本句是动名词短语spending time with family and friends作主语,谓语动词用单数。可以转换为:It si important for us to spend time with family and friends .   如:Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.看电视太多对你的眼睛有害处。 2.Often,we just walk around the town center,seeing as many our friends as we can ... “seeing as many of our friends as we can”- 意思就是: 尽可能去多看看/拜访我们的朋友; as...as one can与as...as possible ,这两次词组在绝大部分情况下是完全可以换用的,可以看做没有区别 例如:as soon as possible 就可以置换为 as soon as sb can。或者是:看到/拜访到越多的朋友越好。 as....as 中间就是 “越(多的朋友)越 (好)”的意思,在英语里头经常会有这样的用语 ,中间用形容词或副词的原级。 Reading and retelling 1.Listen and repeat. 2.Try to retell it. 1. Where I’m from, we are pretty relaxed about time. 我来的那个地方对时间非常放松。 句子中的 “Where I’m from” 是一个由 “where” 引导的地点状语从句。 引导地点状语从句的副词除了where 还有wherever。 e.g. Just stay where you are. 就留在你原来的地方。 Wherever you are, you can see new factories and stories, new schools and hospitals. 无论你走到哪里, 你都能见到新建的工厂, 商店, 学校和医院。 4. We are the land of watches, after all! 毕竟我们是手表王国。 1)句中的


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