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Unit 6 I’m watching TV.;Do you know these places?;pool;They are shopping in the supermarket.;playground;library; 1a Look at the pictures. Complete the chart.;Places;1b Look at the pictures in 1a. Then ask and answer questions.;1c Listen and complete the chart.;1d Listen again. Check your answers in 1c.;1e Use the information in the chart to make a conversation.;Look at the pictures below. What are they doing? Where are they?;A: What’s she doing? B: She’s cleaning. A: Where is she cleaning? C: She’s cleaning in the house.;cooking in the kitchen;writing a letter in the/his dormitory;sightseeing/ doing some sightseeing on the tour bus;2a Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.;Look at the world clock and ask your partner about the time in different places.;Ukraine 9:45 p.m.;Sochi 4:00 p.m. Beijing 8:00 p.m.;Activity 1: Have you ever been to another country before? Do you have any stories about jet lag(时差)? Please share with you group members. Activity 2: Make a telephone call and ask what each other is doing in pairs. Student A and Student B are in two different places in the world. ;Unit 6 I’m watching TV.;the United States;miss;2b Read the TV report and answer the questions.;2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? ______________ 3. What does he think about his home in China? ________________________________________________________________;Places;Places;1. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. race用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑,赛 车,游泳等与速度有关的“比赛”;而 game则多指球类,棋类等体育“比赛”。 e.g. Do you like to watch NBA games on TV? He’s the youngest swimmer in the race.;2. any other + 名词单数形式 意为“(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个” Jack is like any other boy of his age. 杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。 【注意】 any 意为“任何的;任一的”。 You can take any book. 你可以拿走任意一本书。 Any child will love them. 任何一个小孩都会喜欢它们。;4. wish v. 意为“希望”;常用结构:wish to do sth. 或wish sb. to do sth. e.g. I wish to meet my uncle there. 我希望在那里能见到我的叔叔。;Hope 与wish ①hope


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