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7. The statesman has never ____ his stand for human rights. A. starved B. weakened C. assigned D. submitted 8. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become ____ . A. spoiled B. harmed C. hurt D. damaged 9. The secretary didn’t dare to ____ her general manager though she knew she was right. A. pick up B. lean on C. give in D. stand up to 10. The author attempted to write with plain words ____ humor. A. packed with B. coupled with C. dressed in D. died from To Section B The End of Section A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * III. Expressions Patterns 21. 袖手旁观;守护照料 to sit by (L. 61) 如果你在他人的生命受到威胁时袖手旁观, 你将终身与愧疚相伴。 活学活用 If you sit by while others’ lives are being endangered, you will live with a guilty conscience about it for the rest of your life. 下一页 上一页 返回课文 Back 6. … surely one such victory in my family, for the prosperous leaders who own the tobacco companies, is enough. (L62) … surely one victim of the tobacco industry in my family means that the prosperous owners of the tobacco companies have won a victory in my family, but one such victim is enough (otherwise it would be too much for my family). …… 那些生意兴隆的烟草公司的巨头们在我家取得一次这样的胜利就够了,如果还有第二个受害者我们会无法承受。 Old to New Chinese to English Word Using 句型应用 短语应用 English Equivalents of Chinese N H C E Back 课文 预习 写作 导入 1. 为······而哭泣 2. 一包(香烟) 3. 嘴里叼着烟 4. 炯炯有神的眼睛 5. 身穿黑色燕尾服 6. 听起来让人很难受 7. 起初不明显 8. 吞烟吐雾 9. 象在美国旧城区一样 10. 在一次家庭聚会上 to weep for a package of (cigarettes) with a cigarette in one’s mouth glowing eyes dressed in a black dress coat embarrassing to hear unnoticeable at first drag away/smoke like chimneys as in American inner cities at a family reunion 随 笔 English Equivalents of C


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