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27 4 Vol. 27, No .4 2006 12 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T ec nology Dec. 2006 : 1008-1542( 2006) 04-0317- 04 1 1, 2 赵文红, 张红斌 ( 1. 西安电子科技大学理学院, 陕西西安 710071; 2. 河北科技大学信息科学与工程学院, 河北石家 庄 050054) : 提出了一种改进的PSO( 粒子群 化) 算法, 该算法在基本PSO 算法的粒子位置更新公式 中增加了一个积分控制项, 积分控制项根据每 个粒子的适应值决定粒子位置的变化, 改善了PSO 算法摆脱局部极小点的能力另外, 在该算法中粒子行为是基于 个体极值中心点和全局极值点确 定的, 这使得粒子能够获得更多的信息量来调整自身状态用3 个基准函数对新算法进行了实验, 结果表明新算法 于已有的一些改进PSO 算法 : 粒子群; 化; 进化计算; 群智能 : T P3016 : A A improved basic particle sw arm optimization algorit m 1 1, 2 ZHAO Wen- ong , ZHANG Hong-bin ( 1. College of Sciences, Xidian University , Xian S anxi 710071, C ina; 2. College of Information Science and Engineering, He- bei University of Science and T ec nology, S ijiaz uang H ebei 050054, C ina) Abstract: In t is paper, an improved particle swarm opt imization algorit m was proposed. By adopting a integral cont rol unit, t e algorit m determined t e movement of every particle according to its fit ness, w ic can jump out of t e local best. Based on t e average local best position and t e global best, one particle can acquire more information of t e ot ers to adjust its move- ment. T ree benc mark functions w ere employed to s ow t at t e new algorit m is better t an ot er improved algorit ms. Key words: particle sw arm; optimization; evolutionary computation; sw arm intelligence , , ( Swarm [ 1] Intelligence) , KENNEDY EBERHART , 1995 ( Particle Sw arm Optimization, PSO) , , [ 2] , , PSO


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