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2014届东城区职教中心对口升学英语专题训练:完形填空09 It was early September, 2009.Maybe 1∶00 a.m..I had been downtown with some friends, and they were going off somewhere else.I was __1__ money, and had to be up early the next morning, so I __2__ for home.I made my way to Bathurst station, and took the 7 bus.I chose my __3__ seat on a bus.On the back row was another fellow.Other than us, the bus was __4__. The bus left the __5__ shortly after I got on, and began the journey.I noticed the driver looked __6__ when I got on the bus, but didn’t think twice about it.__7__, the names of the streets we __8__, recited over the intercom(内部通话设备), weren’t as dull as I was used to.Every stop was cheerfully __9__.Every name was cheerfully sung. I wondered aloud, “Did he just __10__ the name of that stop?” My fellow traveler replied, “Yeah.” “I’ve __11__ heard that before.” “Oh, it __12__ all the time.Not just this driver, all of them.The weather is warm and all the windows are open, so the drivers get all the fresh air they could want.It’d be __13__ for a bus driver not to sing the name of the stops.” With that, the bus stopped, and the nameless __14__ stepped off into the night. The bus driver kept up his __15__.Each stop had its own melody(旋律), and it was a delight to hear the __16__.“Briar Hill”, he sang, and I stepped off the bus, leaving the driver alone.He probably __17__his performance, to himself. On my walk home, I __18__ the traveler I had met was __19__.The bus driver didn’t need a reason to sing, and he didn’t have a reason not to sing.“ __20__ do I,” I thought to myself.I began to hum(哼) in the night, occasionally bursting out into song. 【解题导语】 本文为记叙文。一位公共汽车司机把站名用唱歌的形式报给乘客,他的这种乐观愉悦的情绪感染了作者。 1.A.fond of B.in need of C.rich in D.out of 解析:选D。考查语境理解。下文提到作者回家了,因此可以判断作者身上没钱了。 2.A.reached B.headed C.missed D.remained 解析:选B。考查动词辨析。朋友们去了其他的地方,“我”身上没(out of)钱了,早晨还得早起,所以“我”决定回家。 3.A.afforded B.matched C.concerned D.preferred 解析:选D。考查语境理解。“我”在公共汽车上选择了自己喜欢的(preferred)座位。 4.A.full


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