2017年秋高中英语 课时跟踪检测(十)Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero Section Ⅲ Learning about Language Using Language 新人教版必修1.docVIP

2017年秋高中英语 课时跟踪检测(十)Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero Section Ⅲ Learning about Language Using Language 新人教版必修1.doc

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课时跟踪检测(十)Learning about Language Using Language Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He was lucky to escape being_caught (catch). 2.She is weeping. You shouldnt have_told_ (tell) her the bad news. 3.The noise stopped me from sleeping all night. 4.An educator (educate) visited our school last week. 5.As a reward for his work, he got 20 pounds every week. 6.She set up a new record in the 1,500 meters race. 7.He was sentenced to death for murdering the president. 8.The first time we went into the cave, we all felt frightened. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.To my surprise, David managed to escape_from_that_big_fire (从那场大火里逃出来). 2.On hearing that hed got cancer, Tom felt as if he_had_been_sentenced_to_death (他已经被判了死刑). 3.It is reported that the new president came_to_power (开始执政) last month. 4.I think you should set_a_good_example (树立一个好榜样) to your brothers. 5.You should_have_reported_it_to_the_police (本应该把此事报告给警察) but now its too late. 6.Why not prevent/keep/stop_them_from_polluting_the_river (阻止他们污染河流)? We suffer from pollution too much. 7.Every day they went to the road nearby and stood_there_begging (站在那儿乞讨). 8.You are kind and Im_proud_to_be_your_friend (做你的朋友我感到骄傲). Ⅲ.完形填空 It was Thanksgiving. I was volunteering with my parents at a shelter for the __1__. We stood behind the counter giving hot food to __2__ came in. Most of our diners looked as if they had been having __3__ times — their clothes were old and dirty. __4__, they looked in need. Then an old man who looked anything but poor __5__. He wore a new suit. I __6__ what he was doing here and I was greatly surprised when he __7__ the line for food. The closer he came to my service station, the more I complained. “What is this man doing here?” I asked myself. __8__ he wasnt going to take the food which was meant for those who were __9__ in need! Then my __10__ quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have assumed (认为) that the __11__ of the people who come here must be purely physical — hunger or lack of shelter or __12__, etc. And this gentleman does


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